Blog of an Improv Goddess

Hello All,

First and Foremost, let's not get it twisted. I am not calling myself a, "Goddess of Improv." This would be denouncing all of the flaws which make me undeniably human and coincidentally, a comedienne.

I am giving this blog a namesake, because of the first workshop I took at the Dallas Comedy Festival (2013), "Sharpen Your Point of View" with David Razowsky. This milestone moment was a perfect storm: my first workshop, in my first year of comedy and my first comedy festival. EVER.

For one of the initial exercises, Razowsky had us sit alone in a chair in the front of the class and describe an object of importance. I chose my MaryBear. A teddy bear that sits on my bed to this day and has recently celebrated her 33rd birthday.  She is one of the great loves of my life.

So, one can only imagine that as I moved from describing her artificial exterior to the love and support she's given me over these many years I became emotional and my voice cracked.

It was at this moment, Razowsky began the lesson about transitioning a scene  from a "thing" to an "emotion." When he noticed my voice cracking he said it could be any number of things, or... "you are an Improv Goddess."

Words of kindness from an outstanding teacher and a Master of his craft.

(If you ever have the opportunity to  take a workshop with David Razowsky, a living legend, you will leave his workshop a better human being then when you walked through the door.)

And, there you have it. Super simple. This one moment has been etched in my memory for eternity, and it gives me all the strength and confidence I need to proceed in life and comedy.

Because, after all... whenever I think of, "Improv Goddess," I humbly think of my Mother's unconditional love and support. She gave me MaryBear.


I am grateful for my purpose.

with love,



To check out the man, the legend, David Razowsky, please go to: .

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